Monday, 21 June 2010

I just wanted to put a personal update on here.

I had surgery on a dodgy joint I have in my foot just over two weeks ago. So I'm now laid up on the sofa for a while - getting to watch the World Cup (but at the moment, it has been exciting, but in an England point of view - rather depressing, so far).

I've started going out now and again, and below is a picture of me and Heather before going to our friends Lawrence's 30th birthday bash. He had a marquee in the back garden, which was dressed up as a casino, and so we're dressed appropiately - well, I fashioned my tux to accomodate my cast, good look I reckon:

Friday, 18 June 2010

Support during the World Cup

Now England and the USA have played each other now, we can now show off our support in the neighbourhood without worrying about upsetting anyone!

Here's hoping they both make it through their group, starting today against Slovenia and Algeria.

Tuesday, 8 June 2010

I made it, I'm famous!!

I upload quite a few of my photos up on the interent here and there, on various sites. Mainly to see what people think, not too much in an ego-boosting type of way, just to see what people think, and take advice.

I've just had my first mention in a web newsletter. It's via who supply Digital Camera Magazine, a magazine I subscribe to. Anyway, they gave me a mention in their latest newslatter regarding the world cup, here's the newsletter, if you look in the highlights bit, my photo is Sun In Their Eyes, by Beadle.

The Beautiful Game