Sunday 18 August 2013

Metfield Produce Show

I was asked by a family friend to judge the photography competition at Metfield Produce Show at the weekend. I of course gratefully accepted the challenge. I'm not sure I realised how long it would take me to pick the top 3, very hard judging people's hard work! Heather Jermy and I also popped over the road to the church on our way out for their flower fiesta.

Here's hoping these village traditions continue to grow in the future, such a great way for a community to get together, and just hope that in years to come, these shows are still happening.

Saturday 10 August 2013

Jack and Laura Wedding

Another wedding photographed this weekend. This one was Jack and Laura's in Laxfield, Suffolk. I've worked and played football with Jack for many years, so it was a pleasure when he asked me to photograph his wedding.

The venue was so beautiful, Laxfield is a wonderful little village, with a wonderful church (just next to the pub!). On the photography side of things, the setting was absolutely perfect, in fact, the whole day was an absolute joy to photograph. As with any wedding, I do get nervous, but I think it's more to do with wanting to do the best I possibly can, and not to do with any concern with my abilities.

Jack and Laura made it a great experience to photograph, they looked so naturally good together, it felt that it would've been hard to take bad pictures of them. Below are a small selection of photos from the day, I hope to post a full account of the day over the coming weeks.

One other thing to add, is that with every wedding I do, seems to throw up something new. What will stick out in my mind in this one, is that I don't believe there will ever be a longer confetti shot. Must've been 50 yards or so, with around 125 people throwing confetti, like I've said earlier, they seemed to make it easy for me.

I do have to note that the above shot was taken by the wife. Incidentally as well, this photograph is all about being in the right place at the right time. The laughter caught, is from when a child chipped a football towards me, which I attempted to volley. I caught it sweetly, but unfortunately at the wrong angle, and it ended up in the next field. I instantly remembered why I stopped playing.

Sunday 4 August 2013

Mark and Sarah's Wedding

My cousin Mark, and his now wife Sarah, held their wedding at Albion Days, near Greater Melton at the weekend.

We were guests, but also asked to take a few photos on the side as well. As one never to turn down a good photo opportunity, we had a lot fun photographing the day.

A wonderful venue with a very unique feel, there was so much going on, owl delivering the rings; hog roast; archery; story telling; air guitar with pink inflatable guitars; brother of the bride having a spontaneous jam with the band. Hopefully my photos below will give the day justice.